On Thursday 5 March, coinciding with World Book Day, the 2nd Ewell (Rainsters) Beaver Colony paid a visit to Epsom Library.
True to form, some of the Beavers came in their costumes for the meeting. Several Harry Potters were in attendance, but also some more unusual characters – Claude the Mouse, a Roman centurion and Dennis the Menace also joined in! The leaders couldn’t miss out on the action with some fancy dress of their own!

Several librarians, all dressed up too, entertained the Beavers with a story, and the young people also learned about taking books out, reserving books and how to look after books. They certainly seemed engrossed!
The young people then got the opportunity to exercise their creativity, by designing book covers and bookmarks.
Much enjoyment for all, and well worth a visit when you can organise it!
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