
Beavers is for young people aged 6 – 8


Beaver Scouts is the first section in the Scouting family and is open to boys and girls from 6 to 8 years old. We also have a waiting list and are happy to hear from anyone who would like to join us!

The Beaver Colony meets once a week during term time, on Monday nights between 5:45 pm and 6:45 pm, at our Scout Hut in West Street, Ewell.

Beavers are organised in a Colony and split into Lodges. Our Beaver lodges are named after the Great Lakes – Huron, Michigan, Ontario and Superior. The young people earn points during the term and can win the Lodge Cup.

Our regular activities include games, crafts and life skills. We spend lots of time outdoors and go on visits both local and afar. Camping and fires are particular highlights!

Whilst at Beavers, we work towards a selection of badges. The most important of these is the Chief Scout’s Bronze Award, which many of our Beavers work extremely hard for and is awarded shortly before leaving us for Cubs. We also do Challenge Awards and Activity Badges. Lots of sewing for the adults!

The two Beaver Leaders at 2nd Ewell are Mary (Assistant BSL) and Martyn (BSL), assisted by Jay. We also run a parent rota to ensure our Beavers have the best time!